Friday, September 28, 2018

September 29: Great State Burger

(No photos for this one -- I started eating and by then, it was too messy to shoot.)

I ran to Uwajimaya in search of a strange exotic recipe ingredient (Australian finger limes), but struck out. For lunch, I could re-do Aloha Plates (mmm... Spam...), try Cheese Meats Bread (grilled cheese did sound good) or try Great State Burger, which I've heard good things about. It's burger time!

Sure, I thought Ivar's was pricey yesterday, but these burgers are priced like I'm in a theme park or a tourist center. Granted, you're paying for the organic, grass-fed, humanely treated cow that's given to you between a couple of buns, so at least I felt better doing it.

I'd considered a double bacon burger, milkshake, and fries, but at $5.50 for the shake, I decided to stick with the fountain Jones root beer. Maybe I mumbled, but the bacon didn't make it into the order.

They handed me a buzzer, and I briefly shared a table in the crowded restaurant with another solo diner. Bzzz. I got my tray, sat back down, removed the burger from its wrap, and had a bite.

That's a tasty happy cow. A little grease and a little "state sauce" dripped into the tray, but the crisp crinkle-cut fries were happy to scoop it up. It's a really good burger and fries. For that price, it ought to be.

Great State Burger
504 5th Ave S.
Double burger combo (fries and a drink), $16.24

Menu from Great State's web site. Don't do the math on the combos.

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