The line was short, and service was fast. I ordered a side of tots and The Mac, which is billed as a sandwich made with "sharp cheddar, pimento mac & cheese, hills bacon, brioche roll". Mmm. Bacon. Mmm. Mac and cheese.
Spaghetti tacos were briefly a thing in the early '00s, right? (Ask that millennial sitting next to you). So why not a mac and cheese sandwich?
Then it arrived, and I looked at it. They say when you look into the abyss, it looks back at you. This sandwich stared into my soul. It dared me to try it. Its cheese-filled tubes of pasta gaped back at me. I picked it up and tried it.
The tots, served in a Chinese food to-go box, were too hot to eat at first. Down side: there's too many of them. The side salad was unremarkable; the sandwich was the clear star of the show here.
I left half the salad and tots behind, but ate every last bit of the sandwich. Did I say it was good? So. good. Get me another one, stat.
Cheese Meats Bread
605 5th Ave S (in Uwajimaya)
The Mac, tots, side salad, Jones root beer, $15.96